Hello and welcome to the 576 Squadron website.
The site is dedicated to the memory of my late father, Flt Lt Graham ‘Timber’ Wood, DFC, AFC, who served a full tour on 576; and to the many brave crews, both in the air and on the ground, who served with the Squadron in its two short years of service to Bomber Command during World War 2.
This is very much a live document, and updates will be added whenever I receive them! I welcome any input, particularly from survivors, their relatives, and historians. Thanks to those of you who have already contributed so magnificently with all sorts of incredibly valuable and precious material. You know who you are!
Please bear with me as I develop the site. There are going to be many blank spaces, but hopefully they will all be filled in the fullness of time! Please let us know if you see any errors or omissions and we will put it right.
Carpe Diem!
Matt Wood