A total of 712 aircraft - 457 Lancasters, 252 Halifaxes and 3 Mosquitos - returned to Berlin. A long approach route from the south, passing south of the Ruhr and then within 20 miles of Leipzig, together with Mosquito diversions at D??sseldorf, Leipzig and Magdeburg, caused the German controller great difficulties and there were few fighters over Berlin. Bad weather on the outward route also kept down the number of German fighters finding the bomber stream.
119 Lancasters, including 4 from 576 Sqn, to attack from zero to zero +4, and to be manned by specially selected crews
Second Wave
116 Halifaxes, to attack from zero +4 and zero +8
Third Wave
116 Halifaxes, to attack from zero +7 to zero +11
Fourth Wave
119 Lancasters, including 3 from 576 Sqn, to attack from zero +11 to zero +15
Fifth Wave
All remaining Lancasters to attack between zero +14 and zero +18
"BASIC": 1 x 4,000lb HC, 4 SBCs each containing 12 x 30lb incendiaries, 8 SBCs each containing 90 x 4lb incendiaries, and 2 SBCs each containing 60 x 4lb incendiaries.
Plus 2 SBCs each containing 150 x 4lb incendiaries, 1 SBC containing 90 x 4lb "X" Type incendiaries, and 1 SBC containing 8 x 30 lb incendiaries.
Minimum Fuel Load
1743 gallons
15 ABC aircraft from 101 Sqn to be spread evenly over the period of the attack.
Start Rate
C: 1 bundle / min
At 53??20N 04°00E
281 bundles per aircraft
Start Rate
D: 2 bundles / min
At 51°56N 12°41E
Start Rate
C: 1 bundle / min
At 52°59N 12°40E
Stop Finally
At 53??20N 04°00E
The method for the attack will be mixed WANGANUI and PARAMATTA.
Yellow route marker TIs were to be dropped at each of the following places outbound to the target: Position "P" 52°30N 08°20E Position "Q" 52°09N 09°57E Position "R" 51°37N 12°20E
The Release Point was to be marked throughout the attack with bundles of red flares with green stars. In addition, the Aiming Point will be marked by red TIs at the beginning of the attack only, and with green TIs throughout.
Main Force aircraft were to aim their bombs at the estimated centre of all Release Point flares on an exact heading of 035°M. In this case, bomb sights were to be set for true height and airspeed, and zero wind. If, however, conditions were sufficiently clear to enable the TIs to be seen, Main Force aircraft were to aim their bombs at the centre of the area marked with green TIs.
Yellow route marker TIs were to be dropped at Position "S" at 53°00N 11°45E.
Crews were warned that a spoof attack would be carried out by Mosquitoes with red and green TIs on "GRILSE" (Magdeburg) and on "HADDOCK" (Leipzig).
Aircraft were to climb en route to the rendezvous position at 53°20N 04°00E, to cross the enemy coast outbound to the target between 19000 ft and 22000 ft, and to maintain that height to Berlin for bombing, and for the homeward route as far as the enemy coast.