576 Squadron was formed on 25 November 1943 at RAF Elsham Wolds during the height of the Battle of Berlin as a unit of No.1 Group Bomber Command under the command of Wing Commander G T B "Tubby" Clayton DFC.
"A" Flight was formed under Sqn Ldr John (Jack) Dilworth DFC and initially comprised 4 experienced crews from 101 Squadron with the balance to be new crews posted in from Heavy Conversion Units.
"B" Flight was formed under Sqn Ldr Mervyn Richard Attwater DSO DFC MiD and comprised one complete flight of 13 experienced crews from 103 Squadron with 9 aircraft
The Squadron Adjutant, Flt Lt Alfred Edward Johnson OBE MiD, served for the Squadron's entire existence "first in, last out"
By the end of the month Squadron personnel numbered 75. In the days leading up to 01 December, new postings arrived each day including clerks, riggers, armourers, fitters, transport drivers and aircraft hands, and the time was spent equipping relevant sections and receiving the new arrivals.